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Name Type Description
adapter EntityAdapter<DaffOperationEntity<T>>
list S Stores a list of entities in state and resets them all to stable.
preload S Optimistically adds a placeholder entity into state if necessary and sets the entity to resolving.
load S Upserts the entity into state and resets operation state and errors.
preadd S Adds a placeholder entity into state if `placeholderId` is specified and sets state to adding.
add S Adds the entity into state, sets operation state to added, and resets errors.
preupdate S Sets the entity's operation state to mutating.
update S Upserts the entity into state, sets operation state to mutated, and resets errors.
preremove S Sets the entity's operation state to deleting.
remove S Removes the entity from state.
operationFailed S Resets the entity's operation state and stores errors on the entity.
resetState S Resets the entity's operation state to stable.
getInitialState S Gets an empty entity state.
getSelectors DaffOperationEntityStateSelectors<TRootState, T> Gets entity selectors.
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